Mulching Can Be Good Tree Care... If You Do It Right

Posted on: 11 June 2020

Have you ever seen trees with mounds of mulch around them? This practice of mulching around trees is more popular in some areas than others. As it turns out, mulching around your trees can be great tree care, but only if you do it right. Below, you will find a guide to the benefits of mulch and also some tips to ensure you are mulching in a way that helps rather than hinders. [Read More]

3 Non-Health Related Reasons To Consider Tree Removal For Your Backyard

Posted on: 26 May 2020

Investing in tree removal service is easy to do when you are dealing with an unhealthy tree that does not have an easy path to recovery. However, this is not the only valid reason to remove a tree! There are many other situations where it makes sense to remove a healthy tree. Understanding some of these reasons that are not related to health will help you feel better and look forward to getting tree removal service for your own backyard. [Read More]

Trimming Your Own Weeping Willow Tree: A Guide

Posted on: 19 May 2020

Of all the trees, weeping willows may be the hardest to trim. They have long tendrils that sway in the wind and sweep over the ground. Their branches tend to grow upward, rather than out, which makes the tree hard to shape. If you have a tree company in your area that you can affordably hire to trim your willow, that is often your best approach. However, if you are stuck trimming your own weeping willow tree, you can do so by following this guide. [Read More]

The Summer Landscaping Maintenance Guide

Posted on: 11 May 2020

As the weather gets warmer, you may not be looking forward to the maintenance that needs to be done in landscaping. However, good landscaping care will help prevent problems with weeds taking over your lawn, insects invading your garden, and other pests getting closer to your home. Therefore, you want to make sure that you stay on top of the maintenance that needs to be done to your landscaping this summer. [Read More]